Florida MSN Programs and Nursing Schools in FL
If you are looking to find MSN degree programs in the state of Florida, BestNursingDegree.com can help! It can take some research to find the best Master’s program in nursing that will meet your needs, as there are many options to choose from. To be sure you make the right choice, request information from several nursing schools in Florida, including online programs and traditional campus programs.
You may also want to consider nursing schools in Florida that offer special degree programs like the Direct Entry route or the RN to MSN. Florida has plenty to offer for MSN programs, and earning your graduate degree can boost both your career and healthcare in your state.
Despite the increase of MSN-prepared graduates, Florida still needs more qualified MSN students. The state has worked hard to increase access to MSN degree options by increasing the number of nursing schools in FL that have graduate programs along with booting nurse faculty; now, Florida just needs interested RNs to step up and advance their education.
Currently, almost 7 percent of the state’s nurses have a master’s degree or higher. While that number has increased in recent years, it still falls short of the 2010 Health and Medicine Division (previously the Institute of Medicine) recommendation set forth in The Future of Nursing, which states that at least 10 percent of all BSN grads should enroll in a master’s or doctoral program within five years of graduation.
Like many other states, Florida anticipates a high demand for primary care providers, including nurse practitioners as time goes on. Geriatric nurse practitioners may do exceptionally well in Florida, as the state has long been a retirement haven.
Florida’s master’s-prepared nurses are officially licensed as advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). Nurse practitioners (NPs), certified nurse midwives (CNMs), and certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAS) are all considered APRNs.
Curriculum of MSN Programs in Florida
The state’s universities have several nursing programs including several RN to MSN programs in Florida that allow ADNs and diploma prepared RNs to earn an MSN degree quickly. There are an ever increasing number of specialty routes, including a nursing master’s degree for Advanced Holistic Nursing, which allows you to focus on one of three different areas: manipulative and body-based practice, mind-body practices and energetic healing practices.
There is also a program for nursing research, which focuses on several areas, including healthy aging and complementary therapies, health disparities and actually transforming nursing practice environments.
Nurse educator classes prepare you to pursue a number of career paths, such as teaching in community colleges or teaching in staff nurse education. The clinical teaching and classroom courses meet the competencies of the Southern Regional Education Board and the National League of Nursing.
There are several online courses for Nursing Leadership and Management as well as Nurse Education that offer the flexibility many working nurses need to complete an MSN degree. To meet the needs of FL, there are also several Adult Gerontology specialties that prepare nurses for primary care practice.
Each nursing school in Florida is going to have it’s own curriculum that is approved by the state boards, so it is important to reach out to each school to get an understanding of what you will be learning and how it aligns with your career goals. Request information from multiple schools to get a good feel for each, from multiple MSN programs to get an idea of what interests you and be sure to consider online courses for their flexibility. More and more students are choosing online options, including RN-MSN programs in Florida, so they can continue to work while they continue their education.
Careers for Master’s in Nursing Graduates in Florida
According to ANA’s publication The American Nurse, Florida nurses with a Master’s degree earn on average five percent more than their counterparts without one. Below are some of the different nursing specialties to consider with their projected salary ranges:
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist – This position typically receives the highest salaries in most states. This position requires a master’s degree and extensive clinical training, and the annual salary is $135,910 in the state of Florida
- General Nurse Practitioners (NPs) – NPs provide primary and specialty care, and they may focus on adults, women, family practice, acute care, pediatrics and gerontology, depending on their training. The salaries range from $60,000 to $115,000.
- Nurse Midwives – The Midwifery field assists in the delivery and care of newborns. The annual median salary for a Nurse Practitioner in Florida is $91,070
- Nurse Educators- earn a median annual salary of $71,200 in FL, and are essential to the continued increase in nursing professionals across the state.
MSN programs for Florida nurses include:
- Florida Atlantic University. Florida Atlantic University offers a variety of MSN programs, including a master’s degree in Advanced Holistic Nursing. The school also offers MSN programs in Administrative and Financial Leadership, Clinical Nurse Leadership and Nurse Education. Nurse practitioner programs are available as well.
- Adventist University of Health Sciences. Formerly Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences, gives BSN-prepared nurses the opportunity to pursue an in-demand career as a nurse anesthetist. The school has a nurse anesthesia program for baccalaureate-prepared nurses who have at least some critical care experience.